\paperw5085 \margr0\margl0\ATXph16380 \plain \fs20 \f1 \fs22 The role of the creative \ATXnt901 master craftsmen\ATXnt0 who designed the French and English cathedrals changed du
ring the 13th century. Individual self-confidence grew, personality came to be appreciated, and the names of these new architects were recorded \ATXnt902 for posterity\ATXnt0 .\par
\pard\tx3255\tx6525\tx9780\ATXts240\ATXbrdr0 Master-masons such as the
Frenchman, William of Sens, architect of the choir of Canterbury Cathedral, were equally skilled in masonry and engineering \ATXnt903 work\ATXnt0 . Many of them travelled widely, noting interesting features encountered on their journeys and thus keeping
abreast of fashion. To safeguard their \ATXnt904 professional interests\ATXnt0 , these itinerant masons of the Middle Ages founded guilds. Latter-day freemasonry derives from such \ATXnt905 distant roots\ATXnt0 .